Designing non-discriminatory and racism-critical spaces — dealing with diversity

all of Switzerland
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Basics of diversity — dealing with diversity

Privileges and power relations/stereotypes and prejudices

Forms of discrimination and racism and their effects

Reflection on your own options for action and limits

Different target groups. On the one hand, companies, organizations, schools, administrative and specialist offices. On the other hand, I offer empowerment workshops for people of color.
Kursleitung / Ansprechperson
Gina Vega, is an ethnologist (M.A.) and expert on social issues relating to diversity and migration issues as well as protection against discrimination. For over ten years, she has a wide range of experience in the areas of integration, diversity and discrimination both with administrations, such as the Canton of Basel-Stadt, and with NGOs, as well as as an independent consultant, project manager and trainer.
Kursziele / Lernziele

Using theoretical inputs and practical exercises, unconscious thought patterns and forms of behavior are questioned and the effects of one's own positioning are identified and reflected on. The focus is on consciously dealing with diversity. Strategies and options for action are developed by activating one's own resources in order to be able to design spaces that are free of discrimination and critical of racism. On request and by appointment, part of the workshop can be carried out interactively with a forum theatre.

Dauer / Format
Workshop at least 4 hours, preferably 2 x 4 hours
By appointment
By appointment
all of Switzerland
Website / Link