Über uns
Since 2005, the Advisory Network for Victims of Racism has been a joint venture between the Federal Commission against Racism ECR and the human rights organization humanrights.ch. The 23 counseling centers that are members of the network are important actors in anti-racism work. They offer information, psychosocial advice and legal advice to those affected, relatives and professionals and also act as mediators time and again. With their diverse interventions, they make a central contribution to accompanying, advising and empowering those affected, but also to documenting racist incidents in Switzerland.
Professional exchange, networking & continuing education
Regular meetings of the counseling centers serve to exchange expertise and find joint solutions for demanding consulting situations. In addition, external experts are involved in internal continuing education. This helps to include diverse points of view, strengthen trust and promote cooperation. In recent years, networking between the various institutions has been intensified, with new members being successfully integrated and benefiting from existing expertise.
“DoSyra - Racism Documentation System” for recording, processing, managing and evaluating counseling cases
Standards for consulting work
Our standards cover various aspects of consulting work, including consulting services, access to counseling centers, counseling process, problem analysis, promoting self-help potential, counselors' competencies and self-reflection. Each counseling center acts in accordance with specially developed quality and consulting standards.
Our team

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