Human rights violation: Anti-black racism as a form of institutional and structural discrimination

All of Switzerland
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Dealing with social injustice inevitably leads to human rights. Human rights logic is referred to as human rights conventions. When dealing with human rights, it becomes apparent that structural and institutional inequities are based on certain categories, namely gender, class, race, etc. Using anti-black racism as an example, we examined the power of racism. It is important to know that everyone is affected. While some benefit from it, others experience disadvantages as a result. Here we are talking about privileges on the one hand and structural or institutional discrimination on the other. But what can we do about it now? We are also working on this in the context of this workshop.

• BIPoC children and adolescents, children and adolescents with a history of migration • School classes/youth work centers • Social work specialists • Teachers/ school leaders • Etc.
Kursleitung / Ansprechperson
Mandy Abou Shoak, social enterpreneur, racism expert and human rights activist. Gives lectures, and workshops on the topics of racism, sexism and adultism. She has been working as a social pedagogue at a high school since 2016. Mandy Abou Shoak recently founded the Justhis label. The label develops activist products and makes resistance practices against institutional and structural forms of discrimination visible. She is doing a master's degree in social work as a human rights profession and is currently writing her master's thesis on the question: What does a racism-sensitive school need?
Kursziele / Lernziele

- Knowledge about the connection between racism and human rights

- Knowledge about the impact of racism — racism as a history of oppression

- Reflection on one's own position in dealing with racism

- Knowledge about resistance practices

Dauer / Format
by appointment, at least 4 hours
by appointment
All of Switzerland
Website / Link