Recognize racism, name racism

all of Switzerland
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Racism concerns everyone! Not only those who experience him, but also those from whom he starts. It takes knowledge and sensitivity to recognize racism; it requires language to be able to name racism. It takes self-reflection in order to be able to recognize and change one's own prejudices, which arise from the hierarchical structure of society. We talk about our experiences and look for strategies on how we can fight racism.

On the one hand, I offer workshops for exclusive people of color and black people and also for interested teams from culture, administration, NGO, business, teams and social work professionals, young people, children
Kursleitung / Ansprechperson
Rahel El-Maawi works as a freelancer in various educational contexts and as a lecturer in socio-cultural studies at various universities. It supports NGOs, universities and companies in developing a diversity-oriented organizational culture and offers anti-racism training.
Kursziele / Lernziele

Expanding knowledge and reflection

Get to know the history of hiarchization and racialization as well as Switzerland's involvement. Reflect on your own position and socialized approach to race.

Dauer / Format
Workshop 2 x 4 hours
by appointment
by appointment
all of Switzerland
Website / Link