(anti-) racism in the context of higher education (institutions) and in the development sector

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Focus on the impact of structural racism in the education sector (what is 'epistemic violence' and how does it affect knowledge production? intersectional educational work & educational equality) and in the so-called 'development' sector (post-development, decoloniality as a tool of criticism, pluriversalism and other alternatives).

adult education (educational initiatives, nonprofit/NGO sector, research institutes, cultural institutions, 'development' organizations, etc.)
Kursleitung / Ansprechperson
Name: Sumona Dhakal (she/her/none) Email: dhakal.sumona@gmail.com About: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sumona-dhakal-47808a31b/ Sumona Dhakal (she/her/none) is a multidisciplinary social science researcher (MA Global Studies, Humboldt University of Berlin) and self-taught artist who is interested in multi-sensory and experiential knowledge production (un-/learning). Her research focuses on global inequalities/injustices from a decolonial perspective. Multidisciplinary methodologies with a participatory action research approach are central to their research. Born in Kathmandu/Nepal and largely raised in Germany, she focuses on complexities and ambivalences that accompany her political education work in the area of anti-discrimination. Since 2020, Dhakal has worked as a freelance anti-discrimination trainer with a focus on epistemic violence/ (neo-) colonialism in science and higher education as well as in so-called “development cooperation” /international cooperation. Since 2015, she has been working with various German “development cooperation” institutions (GIZ, political foundations, Venro e.V.) and advises research institutions (Charité Berlin, PIK Potsdam, Berlin University Alliance, Naturkundemuseum/Berlin School of Public Engagement and Open Science). To make the deficiencies in these sectors visible, she joined a collective of employees, scientists and activists who are working on transformative and abolitionist perspectives for equitable global cooperation. As co-founder of the “Federal Network for Health and Racism”, she is committed to bringing the effects of racism on (mental) health and racist structures in (German) health care onto the agenda, and building community structures.
Kursziele / Lernziele

From (initial) awareness raising to process support: Identify depoliticized DIE discourses (diversity, inclusion, equity), tokenization and other liberal capitalist co-optations in organizations/institutions and find options for action (collectivization, peer support strategies, intervention options, etc.). Discuss the tension between reformism and abolitionism. Put theories and concepts into practice.

Dauer / Format
1-2 days
200 euros per hour