Intersectionality workshop

all of Switzerland
auf Anfrage
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Intersectionality (English: intersection) describes the integrative analysis of the interplay of different forms and dimensions of inequality, difference and domination. The theoretical concept of intersectionality aims to explain that different forms of discrimination cannot be considered separately, but rather work together. The intersectional perspective enables workshop participants to better recognize and identify existing structural inequities and thus contributes to combating various forms of oppression and discrimination. There is still a lot to do on the road to an equal society. Black women have had a major impact on progress towards equality so far, their efforts are often not recognized and they continue to suffer from multiple forms of discrimination: because they are women and not white.

Open to various groups/people: professionals, managers, administrations, NGOs, schools, universities, companies
Kursleitung / Ansprechperson
Anja Glover has a background in cultural studies and sociology and has been accompanying various groups on the subject of racism and sexism for years.
Kursziele / Lernziele

As long as racism exists, sexism will continue to exist. In the Intersectionality workshop, Anja Glover addresses the intersection of racism and sexism and accompanies participants in being able to identify interwoven forms of discrimination and the resulting problems themselves and to be able to apply them to other intersections.

Dauer / Format
starting at 350 CHF
maximum 30
all of Switzerland
Website / Link